Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the DM­RC at AS­PE Sum­mer To­pi­cal Mee­ting 2016

From June 27-30, 2016, the Summer Topical Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE) took place in Raleigh, NC (USA). The main focus of the conference was on dimensional accuracy and surface finish in Additive Manufacturing. Because of this topic the DMRC participated with two researchers and presented latest research results.

Following topics were presented:

  • Reproducibility of the Dimensional Accuracy: Investigations for Fused Deposition Modeling
    Knoop, Frederick; Lieneke, Tobias; Schoeppner, Volker
  • Dimensional Tolerances for Additive Manufacturing: Experimental Investigation of Manufacturing Accuracy for Selective Laser Melting
    Lieneke, Tobias; de Groot, Stefan; Adam, Guido; Zimmer, Detmar

If you are interested in further information, please feel free to contact the respective persons.

More information: Dimensional Tolerances for Additive Manufacturing /