Build Materials

PA2200 (basis: Nylon 12)
Melting temperature: ›~ 186 °C
Recrystallis. temperature: ›~ 140 °C
Particle size dV,50: ~› 55 œm
Part. size distribution: ›~ 3-100 œµm
Tensile strength: 48 N/mm2

Technical Data

EOS P 396
Building dimensions: 340/340/600 (x/y/z in mm)
Layer thickness: 60-180 ””µm
Laser type: 70 W CO2
Scanning speed: 6000 mm/s
Support structures: not necessary
Building speed: up to 48 mm/h (material dependent)

EOS P 395
Building dimensions: 340/340/620 (x/y/z in mm)
Layer thickness: 60-180 ””µm
Laser type: 50 W CO2
Scanning speed: 6000 mm/s
Support structures: not necessary
Building speed: up to 31 mm/h (material dependent)


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Ivo Kletetzka

Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) (bis 2022)


E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-5543